One thing, we would like for Christian African Americans to realize is that we are living in an era when you are not going to be mistreated just because you are black, but also because of your Christian morals. There are some unsaved black people who will help white gays to persecute you and make sure you endure hardships, which may cost you your job or education. In this case of Kelvin Cochran, he lost his job as a fire chief in Atlanta for expressing his opinions about homosexuality in his book he wrote for a men’s Bible study group at his Baptist church. According to, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed announced Tuesday that Cochran had been fired. The announcement came on the same day Cochran was supposed to return to work following a 30-day suspension. In the meantime, we will keep Kelvin Cochran in our prayers. Furthermore, there are a lot of blacks who are going to burn in hell for going against God's Word.
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